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ACN 662 757 459



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Can sleep apnea be cured?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common form of sleep apnea, is often caused by excess tissue around the neck, particularly in the throat and palate. This excess tissue can block the airway during sleep, leading to breathing interruptions.

Treatment Options 


Weight Loss

If you’re overweight, losing weight can reduce the amount of tissue in the neck area, which may help alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea. However, weight loss alone may not completely cure OSA.



In some cases, surgery is considered to remove or reduce excess tissue in the throat. However, surgery is typically viewed as a last resort due to potential side effects and varying success rates.


CPAP Therapy

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is the most common and effective treatment for OSA. It works by keeping the airway open using a constant stream of air delivered through a mask. CPAP is often recommended alongside weight loss for a more comprehensive approach to managing sleep apnea.

Is there a natural sleep apnea treatment?

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    Healthy Weight 

    This is the only natural sleep apnea treatment with strong evidence to support it. Being the right weight will help prevent fatty tissue from building up around your throat, which can trigger breathing problem when you sleep. Losing weight, if you are overweight, and keeping the weight off, may reduce or elimite your sleep apnea.

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    Acupuncture may help with the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Both manual acupunture and electro acupuncture therapies have been shown to improve the vital signs of people with obstructive sleep apnea. Scientists are not sure how acupuncture works to help sleep apnea and the current evidence is limited.

What are the benefits of treating sleep apnea?

If your energy level, mood and productivity are being zapped by sleep apnea, you’re likely to really notice the benefits of treatment. You can expect improvements in your awakeness as well as a reduction in daytime headaches – if sleep apnea was causing them or making them worse.

As sleep apnea can also have long term effects on your heart, metabolism and overall health, seeking treatment makes total sense for your overall well-being.

Your general feeling of well-being may improve, and your long-suffering family might also be able to sleep more soundly without listening to you snore.